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Image: Olivia Ward

On the show

'Biggest Loser 11' before and after

See the amazing transformations and pounds shed by the contestants.

Image: Olivia Ward

Olivia Ward

Starting weight: 261 lbs.
Finale weight: 132 lbs.
Lost: 129 lbs., 49.43 percent

This season's "Biggest Loser" and winner of the $250,000 grand prize is 35-year-old opera singer Olivia.

Image: Hannah Curlee

Hannah Curlee

Starting weight: 248 lbs.
Finale weight: 128 lbs.
Lost: 120 lbs., 48.39 percent

Olivia's sister and teammate Hannah placed second.

Image: Irene Alvarado

Irene Alvarado

Starting weight: 255 lbs.
Finale weight: 139 lbs.
Lost: 116 lbs., 45.49 percent

Portland, Ore., student Irene came in third place. America voted for the 27-year-old to continue in the competition over Jay.

Image: Denise Hill

Denise Hill

Starting weight: 256 lbs.
Finale weight: 131 lbs.
Lost: 125 lbs., 48.83 percent

The 59-year-old mother of eight was season 11's at-home winner. She was eliminated from the game on Feb. 22.

Image: Justin Pope

Justin Pope

Starting weight: 365 lbs.
Finale weight: 192 lbs.
Lost: 173 lbs., 47.4 percent

Image: Jay Jacobs

Jay Jacobs

Starting weight: 400 lbs.
Finale weight: 219 lbs.
Lost: 181 lbs., 45.25 percent

Image: Austin Andrews

Austin Andrews

Starting weight: 396 lbs.
Finale weight: 222 lbs.
Lost: 174 lbs., 43.94 percent

Image: Dan Evans

Dan Evans

Starting weight: 287 lbs.
Finale weight: 163 lbs.
Lost: 124 lbs., 43.21 percent

Image: Ana Alvarado

Ana Alvarado

Starting weight: 255 lbs.
Finale weight: 146 lbs.
Lost: 109 lbs., 42.75 percent

Image: Don Evans

Don Evans

Starting weight: 309 lbs.
Finale weight: 179 lbs.
Lost: 130 lbs., 42.07 percent

Image: Ken Andrews

Ken Andrews

Starting weight: 377 lbs.
Finale weight: 219 lbs.
Lost: 158 lbs., 41.91 percent

Image: Jennifer Jacobs

Jennifer Jacobs

Starting weight: 278 lbs.
Finale weight: 164 lbs.
Lost: 114 lbs., 41.01 percent

Image: Sarah Nitta

Sarah Nitta

Starting weight: 261 lbs.
Finale weight: 155 lbs.
Lost: 106 lbs., 40.61 percent

Image: Marci Crozier

Marci Crozier

Starting weight: 238 lbs.
Finale weight: 152 lbs.
Lost: 86 lbs., 36.13 percent

Image: Moses Kinikini

Moses Kinikini

Starting weight: 440 lbs.
Finale weight: 287 lbs.
Lost: 153 lbs., 34.77 percent

Image: Courtney Crozier

Courtney Crozier

Starting weight: 323 lbs.
Finale weight: 213 lbs.
Lost: 110 lbs., 34.06 percent

Image: Arthur Wornum

Arthur Wornum

Starting weight: 507 lbs.
Finale weight: 344 lbs.
Lost: 163 lbs., 32.15 percent

Image: Jesse Wornum

Jesse Wornum

Starting weight: 293 lbs.
Finale weight: 210 lbs.
Lost: 83 lbs., 28.33 percent

Image: Larialmy Allen

Larialmy Allen

Starting weight: 301 lbs.
Finale weight: 217 lbs.
Lost: 84 lbs., 27.91 percent

Image: Kaylee Kinikini

Kaylee Kinikini

Starting weight: 233 lbs.
Finale weight: 179 lbs.
Lost: 54 lbs., 23.18 percent

Image: Joquin Allen

Joquin Allen

Starting weight: 437 lbs.
Finale weight: 344 lbs.
Lost: 93 lbs., 21.28 percent
